Wanas EN Privacy Policy

Wanas EN Privacy Policy 

Effective Date: 28/6/2023

This Privacy Policy outlines the practices and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when you use the Wanas EN mobile application developed by Neutron Team, available on Google Play. By downloading, installing, or using the App, you agree to the terms of this Policy.

Information We Collect:

Personal Information: We do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) such as your name, address, email address, or phone number through the App.

Non-Personal Information: When you use the App, we may collect non-personal information such as device information, including but not limited to your device type, operating system, unique device identifiers, and anonymized usage statistics. This information is collected solely to improve the App's functionality, performance, and user experience.

Use of Information:

Personal Information: Since we do not collect any personal information, we do not use it for any purpose.

Non-Personal Information: We may use non-personal information collected from your use of the App to analyze trends, track usage patterns, gather demographic information, and improve the App's features and content.

Third-Party Services:

Firebase: We use Firebase to provide the content of the app. Firebase may collect non-personal information in accordance with its own privacy policy. Please refer to Firebase's privacy policy for more information on how they collect, use, and disclose information.

Families Policy Requirements:

App Content: We ensure that the content accessible to children through our app is appropriate for children in all regions where the app is available.

App Functionality: Our app does not merely provide a webview of a website or have a primary purpose of driving affiliate traffic to a website without permission from the website owner or administrator.

Play Console Answers: We accurately answer the questions in the Play Console regarding our app and update those answers to reflect any changes accurately. This includes providing accurate responses about our app in the Target Audience and Content section, Data safety section, and IARC Content Rating Questionnaire.

Data Practices: We don't disclose the collection of any personal and sensitive information from children in our app. However, since we do not collect personal information and only use Firebase for content provision, no personal or sensitive information is collected from children.

Device phone numbers are not requested from TelephonyManager of the Android API. Apps that solely target children do not request location permission or collect, use, and transmit precise location.

APIs and SDKs: Our app properly implements Firebase as the approved API for content provision. We do not use any other APIs or SDKs that are not approved for use in primarily child-directed services.

Augmented Reality (AR): If our app uses Augmented Reality, we include a safety warning immediately upon launch of the AR section. The warning contains an appropriate message about the importance of parental supervision and a reminder to be aware of physical hazards in the real world. Our app does not require the usage of a device that is advised not to be used by children.

Social Apps & Features: Our app does not include social features or allow users to share or exchange information, eliminating the need for specific disclosures regarding social app and feature management.

Legal Compliance: We ensure that our app, including its use of Firebase, is compliant with applicable laws and regulations, including the U.S. Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and any other relevant regulations.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to modify or update this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy in the App. It is your responsibility to review this Policy periodically for any updates or modifications.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at amrofficialacc@gmail.com .
